We have a variety of ministry opportunities

-       Our aim is to love people giving them opportunity to experience God in truth and serve Him through the local Church.

-       We desire to be a ministry fit to encourage and help people of all cultures find their way to a loving and accepting God who forgives and transforms humanity preparing us for kingdom service and eternal life.

Ministries of Faith Assembly of God

SUNDAY SCHOOL 9:30 am.  Biblical study and training for people of all ages equipping them for spiritual and practical living.


SUNDAY MORNING WORSHIP 10:30 am.  A mix of traditional and contemporary, spiritual worship with powerful, anointed biblical preaching!


CHILDREN’S MINISTRY takes place during adult worship on Sunday mornings.  It is led by Emily Klever, presently a student at SAGU.  She is mission’s minded, energetic and innovative with a desire to teach and encourage children in and for their spiritual journey.


NURSERY MINISTRY is available on Sunday during Sunday School and morning worship.



-       Adult adventurous bible study

-       Age focused ministry for boys and girls typically under the age of twelve and under the headings of Mpact for girls and Royal Rangers for boys. 


WOMEN’S MINISTRY [Sweet Connections] meet on the fourth Tuesday night of each month at 6:30PM.  That ministry is growing with lots of neat ideas and relationship building opportunities for ladies of all ages and talents. The ladies ministry also participates in Good Friends Now and Forever.


MEN’S MINISTRIES presently meet on the fourth Saturday morning with breakfast, Bible study and prayer at 7:30 AM at the Church.  Men embracing the word, engaging life, encouraging each other, empowered in the Spirit!


KEENAGER’S MINISTRIES is geared toward those who are 55 and over.  Still using their wisdom and gifts to encourage and strengthen the local church!  They meet on the second Tuesday of the month at 5:30 PM at the Church. 


FAITH ASSEMBLY also engages in various ministry opportunities in the city such as Give A Kid A Chance [a back to school provisional ministry]; Fifth Sunday service [a joining together of congregations, culture and color in worship and fellowship together]; Golden Circle [ministry to the Senior Citizens]; National Day of Prayer; City Intercession Prayer; Nursing Home and Retirement Centers Ministry; Ministry in Giving a Hand Up to those in need; Summer Children’s Outreach; etc.